2011: A Space Adventure from Simon on Vimeo.
A beautiful animation by Vimeo user 'Simon' he must have been a user a longer time to get that name! Stunning character work and a very well executed short film.
2011: A Space Adventure from Simon on Vimeo.
A beautiful animation by Vimeo user 'Simon' he must have been a user a longer time to get that name! Stunning character work and a very well executed short film.
Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus from Patrick Clair on Vimeo.
This fantastic animation portrays the path of Stuxnet, one of the most advanced viruses of our time, which targeted nuclear power plants and power grids. These powerful infographics and smooth transitions carry the story in an altogether engaging and compelling documentary of the history of the virus.
I Need Nothing - a nearly useless odyssey from Cãoceito on Vimeo.
Fantastically simple and beautifully executed music video.
Be Your Own Souvenir! from blablabLAB on Vimeo.
Fantastic tourist marketing that allows you to create your own plastic figure in just 15 minutes.
GoPro HD: Avalanche Cliff Jump with Matthias Giraud from GoPro on Vimeo.
Ultimately Incredible GoPro video.