Thursday 5 April 2012

Google Glasses: Probably not the Future

Whether it's an April Fools joke or not, the Google Glasses concept is probably not a future hit for consumers.

The idea of having a HUD for your eyes is brilliant, but the integration into real-life situations does not yet look too promising. The parody exaggerates this to large adds that take over your field of vision, but it wouldn't be far from the truth if we were all wearing this kind of device.

A fun idea, but we'd all need the brain capabilities of air-force helicopter pilots in order to keep ourselves from walking into anyone or anything.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Rear Window

First page of Vimeo, a gem that deserves the recognition and promotion given. The incredible stitched scene of the courtyard from Alfred Hitchcock's 'Rear Window' has turned the film into beautiful short. The tilt shift applied also gives the added extra of making it look like a miniature world. Truly incredible work and a wonderful homage to the great Hitckcock.